the Gay Men Going Deeper membership


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    Our Story

    The Gay Men Going Deeper Membership came from our deep desire to create a gay community where everyone belongs and feels safe. After seeing and hearing the need for more hands on coaching in our free private Facebook group, the Gay Men’s Brotherhood, we knew that a membership community would be the best way for us to serve our community and those needs. We wanted to build a “home base” and structure for other gay men seeking guidance and a community to belong to while they work through their own personal development and healing journeys.

    This membership will offer weekly coaching videos and zoom calls as well as a large group zoom meetup once a month where everyone can come together in community, ask questions and integrate the learnings from the past month.

    If we want to make change happen in the gay community then we have to first be courageous enough to start with ourselves and become that change we want to see. The Gay Men Going Deeper Membership is our way to embody that change and to do our part in creating the community we want to see in the world for ourselves and for future generations.